Physics as a part of STEM subjects, is becoming an increasingly important part of basic literacy, as 75 of the fastest-growing occupations require STEM skills (report on Fastest growing industries).
It can no longe be viewed as an elite training for future scientists, but it is becoming determinant in the current science-driven society. To avoid a future skill gap,it is necessary to make physics more accessible to students.
The integration of collaborative applications, and media into classrooms to reinforce the Learning experience, facilitates the access to educational resources.
Augmented reality (shortly AR) , unlike any other technology, provides an authentic, immersive and interactive learning experience for students.
Physics based educational applications, using augmented reality technology, has been developed extensively in recent years. It provides a unique opportunity to draw the attention of students, by enabling to conduct an unlimited repetition of experiments, making teachers less dependent on available resources and conditions in schools.
However actual educational material available for teachers at schools is still scarce, especially in non-English speaking countries.

In this project we will develop an educational toolkit, combining the use of books and AR via a smartphone application.
By combining the comfortable bound format of a book, which provides a tangible pleasure, and a source of information for deep learning, with AR application, which will provide an opportunity to attract, hold attention and provide a hands-on experience, we will establish a bridge between traditional and digital learning.
Project aims:

To increase the engagement of all students in physics education, by providing hands-on opportunities for all students, especially those that are currently under-represented in physics, that on average perform relatively poorly in STEM;

To lift the size and average achievements of the group of students using the developed educational book;

To eliminate the problems related to material shortage of teachers, to facilitate the preparation of interactive classes.
Project scope:
Pupils from 10 to 15 age
Project Intellectual Outputs:
- Student book
- Teachers book
- Application with AR moduls
- Teachers training programme

Project Consortium:

University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava UCM (SK), Institute of Management

Slovak university of technology in Bratislava (SK)

Tallinn University of Technology TalTech (EE)

Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi TUIASI (RO)

The University of Ljubljana ULJ (SL)

Diadrasis IKE (GR)

Vitale Tecnologie Comunicazione S.r.l. VITECO (IT)